The 65th World Health Assembly

By Eric Porterfield on May 30, 2012

The Sixty-fifth session of the World Health Assembly is took place in Geneva from May 21–26, 2012. At this session, the Health Assembly is discussing a number of public health issues such as universal health coverage, noncommunicable diseases, nutrition, the Millennium Development Goals, adolescent pregnancy, polio eradication, research and development, International Health Regulations, and the WHO reform process.

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On Its Birthday, UN Peacekeeping Gives Back

By Peter Yeo on May 29, 2012

Today, United Nations Peacekeeping celebrates a birthday. At 64, I think it’s safe to say that Peacekeeping is officially in its prime. Surely, with its years have come many hard-earned accomplishments. In fact, to date there have been 67 peacekeeping operations on four continents. But ever since its infancy, this historic—and indeed heroic—institution has been an overachiever.

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Hero Blue

By Patrick Madden on May 29, 2012

I’m painting a room in my house. Anyone who’s taken on a home project knows that picking a paint color can be a truly excruciating drill. I’ve got blue on the brain (there’s a fair amount of “UN Blue” found in our offices) but “UN Blue” isn’t an option from Sherman Williams.

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Stop the Pity: Unlock the Potential

By Chrysula Winegar on May 25, 2012

MAY 25th is AFRICA DAY: A holiday in most African nations that began as a call for freedom from colonialism, has become a celebration of African unity, potential and promise. MamaHope as an organization summed that up for us. With only two staff in the U.S. fundraising and local teams on the ground in communities throughout Africa working on projects initiated by those same communities, this small and passionate non-profit team are redefining how we see Africa.

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Melinda Gates on #NoControversy Contraception

By Amie Newman on May 22, 2012

Access to contraception and family planning–tools to help women and families plan for the families they want and care for the families they have –is considered controversial in too many countries around the world. But it’s not.

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Thanking UN Peacekeepers on Capitol Hill

By Peter Yeo on May 21, 2012

As an American, it was a proud moment for me when I watched members of Congress stand before a crowd on Capitol Hill last week and thank United Nations Peacekeepers for putting their lives on the line in the name of global peace and stability. U.S. Representatives Jared Polis (D-CO), Mike Honda (D-CA), and Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) eloquently noted that the sacrifices of UN peacekeepers mean greater national security for us all.

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How you (and the U.S. Government) can end child marriage in developing countries

By Inuki Pantin on May 17, 2012

It starts with one voice. I speak up and while, I won’t be ignored, combining my voice with yours will make our calls stronger. Your representative in Washington listens. If you speak up and you tell your friends to speak up, your representative, your senator will have to listen.

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Seeing Liberia Through Her Eyes

By Teresa Langness on May 17, 2012

Liberia is a country where low literacy rates and poverty are among the many challenges in the transition from war to stability. About 85 percent of adults are unable to read and/or write and unaware of the important roles girls can play in the development of communities and societies

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Ted Turner talks philanthropy with Piers Morgan

By Amy DiElsi on May 14, 2012

In case you missed it, United Nations Foundation Chairman and Founder Ted Turner recently interviewed with CNN’s Piers Morgan about his career, life, and commitment to global philanthropy. We were excited to hear Ted talk about his historic gift that created the UN Foundation, our successful Nothing But Nets campaign, and his involvement in the Giving Pledge.

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A Different View of Mother’s Day

By Chris Helfrich on May 13, 2012

My wife Kate, the mother of our two young boys, understood immediately when I explained to her that I wasn’t going to be home on Mother’s Day. Instead, I was traveling to Africa. She knew that my trip would help bring hope, awareness, and life-saving bed nets to refugees fleeing violence in South Sudan.

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