Ask our Board

By Amy DiElsi on March 26, 2012

Last week, you had the chance to hear directly from four of our Board members about what makes great global leaders and why they think the United Nations and global philanthropy are important. Now is your chance to ask them your questions around global philanthropy and how to create a future we want.

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Learning from India: Growth, Innovation, Sustainability

By Aaron Sherinian on March 26, 2012

When global leaders come together to talk about how to help the United Nations solve the world’s most pressing problems, it can create a considerable amount of excitement. That is exactly what is happening here on the Infosys campus in Bangalore, India, where the UN Foundation Board is meeting.

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Reaching 111 Million African Children, Door to Door, in Four Days

By Kate Dodson on March 26, 2012

Just last month the world celebrated as India marked a major success in its battle against polio by being removed from the World Health Organization’s list of countries plagued by the crippling disease.

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World TB Day: Kingdom in the Sky

By Eric Porterfield on March 23, 2012

Every year hundreds of thousands of children will become sick with tuberculosis and tens of thousands will die. Often, TB goes undetected in children and infants and young children are at special risk of having severe, often fatal forms of TB, such as TB meningitis, which can leave them blind, deaf, paralyzed or mentally disabled.

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Send a net. Save a life. See a show!

By Chris Helfrich on March 21, 2012

Nothing But Nets is coming to Chicago and we want to see you there! Our great partners, Broadway In Chicago, are helping to send life-saving bed nets to protect families all over Africa from malaria. If you are in the Chicago area, we have a great opportunity for you to help us fight this deadly disease.

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Global Problems Need Global Leaders…and the UN

By Rick Parnell on March 19, 2012

Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a leader in the global arena – someone we trust to resolve the most challenging global issues? There’s no doubt it requires the usual – honesty, intelligence, and the ability to inspire and influence others.

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And the winner is…

By Amy DiElsi on March 16, 2012

The votes have been counted and the results are in! The UN Foundation’s Public Affairs team was named the PR News Non-Profit Team of the Year.

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UN Foundation International Women’s Day Luncheon

By Peter Yeo on March 15, 2012

As I was preparing my remarks for our annual International Women’s Day Luncheon held yesterday in Washington, I could not help but reflect on the story of a young girl in Malawi named Kumbukani, who despite all odds turned a seemingly shattered life into a powerful journey.

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What We’re Reading

By Amy DiElsi on March 15, 2012

A lot has happened in the world in the past week. Did you catch everything? If not, here is your weekly dose of “What We’re Reading” to get you caught up on some of our favorite stories.

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The Promise of #SocialGood…and why it lives in Rio this year

By Aaron Sherinian on March 14, 2012

The promise of social media is that people and communities around the planet can unite, express and engage in ways never possible before. Why not take this promise to some of the most important gatherings happening in our world today? This year, a meeting of historic proportions will take place in Rio de Janeiro. The Rio+20 Summit will bring together world leaders as the UN tackles some of the biggest issues of our time.

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