Want to Change the World? Let Girls Lead

By Kathy Calvin on June 12, 2013

“I want to serve the people. And I want every girl, every child, to be educated.” These are the powerful words of Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani teenage girl who was shot by the Taliban last year when returning home from school…

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G-Everyone: Make Your Voice Heard to the G8

By Jenni Lee on June 7, 2013

On Monday, June 10th, one week before the G8 Summit, you are invited to join “G-Everyone,” a day of dialogue that encourages everyone to share their ideas on how technology, innovation and entrepreneurship can address global challenges.

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Celebrating World Environment Day

By Hilary French on June 5, 2013

Today marks the 40th time that the world has come together to raise awareness of critically important issues on World Environment Day. This year’s theme, Think Eat Save: Reduce Your Foodprint, zeroes in on an issue that all people, from all walks of life, from all the countries in the world, can relate to and understand.

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The Post-2015 Development Opportunity

By Kathy Calvin on June 4, 2013

Creating the post-2015 development agenda is a chance to bring people and countries together around a shared vision of a more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable world.

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The Post-2015 Development Agenda: What it is and why it matters

By Jenni Lee on May 31, 2013

What kind of world do we want to live in? It’s a question that matters to all of us, and a question at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda that will guide global development efforts after 2015…

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Adolescent Girls: The Most Powerful Catalysts for Change

By Jenni Lee on May 30, 2013

“We believe adolescent girls are the most powerful catalysts for change on the planet,” wrote UN Foundation President & CEO Kathy Calvin and Nike Foundation President & CEO Maria Eitel in a piece that appeared on the Guardian website this week…

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Dispatches from Women Deliver: Breaking Taboos For Women’s Health

By Guest Blogger on May 30, 2013

The hidden subtext of the Women Deliver 2013 Conference in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, the largest global health event of the decade, is all about breaking taboos: Taboos about women and power, about sex, about relationships between men and women, and about the role of global institutions in quite simply talking about sexual health.

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To Improve the Health of Women, We Must End Violence

By Julie Smolyansky on May 29, 2013

Half way around the world at the 2013 Women Deliver conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, government leaders, NGO representatives, corporate leaders and other health-focused groups have come together to use their collective voice to call for action to improve the health and well-being of girls and women. At the conference Lakshmi Puri, Acting Head of UN Women, summed it up best when she said, “It is time to move sexual and reproductive health, women’s rights and gender equality from the sidelines to the center of the frame, to the center of all discussions…”

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Thank a UN Peacekeeper Today

By Peter Yeo on May 29, 2013

Today, the International Day of UN Peacekeepers, is the perfect time to echo Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA) – a champion of a strong U.S.-UN relationship for over 25 years – in saying…

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Women Deliver +SocialGood: Harnessing Technology to Support Women

By Emily Ross on May 28, 2013

While not everyone could make it to Malaysia for the 2013 Women Deliver Conference, they could add their voice to the conversation through “Women Deliver +SocialGood,” an in-person and online event that brought together media experts, social entrepreneurs, and policy leaders to discuss how digital media and technology can address challenges facing women and girls around the world.

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