5 reasons to care about polio

By Jenni Lee on July 2, 2013

A recent polio outbreak in Somalia and Kenya serves as a reminder that this crippling disease still exists and is actively threatening children. While there is no cure for polio, vaccines protect children from the disease for life.

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Social Good Summit 2013

By Aaron Sherinian on July 1, 2013

Mark your calendars for the 2013 Social Good Summit! From September 22-24, we will join our partners to host a global conversation with leading experts, advocates and innovators about how social media and technology can help address some of our world’s biggest challenges.

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Ending the Silence on Violence Against Women

By Alaka Basu on June 26, 2013

While the World Health Organization (WHO) just released a report on violence against women, it may not fully capture the adverse effects of violence on a woman’s reproductive health (RH).

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The Threat of Climate Change

By Kalee Kreider on June 25, 2013

President Obama explained why it’s so important to cut the pollution that causes global warming.

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World Refugee Day: Images & Action

By Jenni Lee on June 20, 2013

Last year, a person had to flee his or her home due to conflict or persecution every four seconds on average. Worldwide, more than 45 million people have been forced from their homes – the highest number in nearly two decades.

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Forced to Flee: The Stories behind the Statistics

By Sarah Wade on June 19, 2013

Today, there are more than 45 million people around the world who have fled their homes due to war or persecution. Behind this sobering statistic lie the stories of real people – mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents and infants whose political and social safety nets have suddenly disappeared and who have been forced to leave their homes…

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What You Said to the G8

By Jenni Lee on June 18, 2013

In advance of the G8 Summit, the UN Foundation, Mashable, 92nd Street Y, the UN Development Programme, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Ashoka invited you to share ideas about how technology and innovation can address global problems.

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Restarting the global warming conversation

By Reid Detchon on June 17, 2013

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said climate change “is a humanitarian issue, a development issue, and an issue of security and stability.”

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16-year old Jack Andraka Brings Youth, Ingenuity and Brainpower to mHealth Design

By Chelsea Hedquist on June 14, 2013

The term “smartphone” first appeared in 1997 – the same year that 16-year-old Jack Andraka was born. Since then, smartphones have spread to cover the globe, with more than 1 billion in use worldwide. As for Andraka, it has taken him only 16 years to become a well-respected researcher and innovator who has most recently turned his attention – and his impressive brainpower – to the field of mobile health…

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Citizens Share Their Voices in Advance of the G8

By Kathy Calvin on June 13, 2013

Urgent challenges like poverty, climate change, and disease cross borders and boundaries, affecting us all. Solving these global problems requires global cooperation – and in today’s connected world, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to expand cooperation beyond governments to include the ideas of people from around the world.

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