International Day of Charity: 5 Ways to Get Involved

By Guest Blogger on September 2, 2013

On September 5, the first International Day of Charity will be commemorated at the UN Headquarters in New York.

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The Blessing of a Newborn Baby Girl

By Guest Blogger on August 31, 2013

Throughout August, top bloggers are using their voices to help protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases as part of “Blogust,” a month-long digital dialogue organized by the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign.

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Actress Sasha Alexander Reflects on Being 29

By Guest Blogger on August 29, 2013

Throughout August, top bloggers are using their voices to help protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases as part of “Blogust,” a month-long digital dialogue organized by the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign.

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50 Years After “I Have a Dream”: Continuing to Inspire

By Jenni Lee on August 28, 2013

On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, overlooking a sea of people, and delivered words that have reverberated through time.

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My grandfather, the peacekeeper

By Narry Singh on August 27, 2013

I’m an entrepreneur, a believer in the American dream, and the proud grandson of a United Nations peacekeeper.

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What We’re Reading

By Jenni Lee on August 26, 2013

Looking to catch up on reading before the school season starts? Here are a few stories we’ve been following.

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5 Reasons to Care about Access to Electricity

By Jenni Lee on August 22, 2013

Today, 1.3 billion people in the world don’t have access to electricity. According to the International Energy Agency, more than four-fifths of these people live in rural areas and more than 95 percent live in sub-Saharan African or developing areas in Asia.

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Thanking those who dedicate their lives to peace

By Peter Yeo on August 21, 2013

The International Day of Peace is exactly one month away, and over the next 30 days, we’re celebrating those who dedicate every day to peace: United Nations peacekeepers.

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20 Thoughts for My 20-Year-Old Son: Blogust Day 20

By Guest Blogger on August 20, 2013

1.Spend a semester at an overseas campus.
2.Spanish is the new Mandarin.
3.Under promise and over deliver.
4.Switch from iOS to Android.
5.Never use more than ten PowerPoint slides.

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World Humanitarian Day: What does the world need more of?

By Jenni Lee on August 19, 2013

Ten years ago, 22 aid workers were killed in a bombing at the UN headquarters in Baghdad. On August 19, World Humanitarian Day, we honor their sacrifice and the sacrifice of aid workers everywhere.

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