Five Ways We Encourage Our Kids to Give Back

By Chrysula Winegar on September 12, 2013

Today, the United Nations Foundation and Women’s Philanthropy Institute at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy released a report in which researchers explored how young people give to charity.

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Meeting a Real-life Superhero

By Eric Porterfield on September 11, 2013

Yesterday, I got to meet a legend in the vaccine world – Dr. Samuel Katz. You probably don’t recognize his name, but he’s the reason you (and millions of others) didn’t have measles as a child. Fifty years ago, Dr. Samuel Katz and Dr. John Enders’ work to develop a vaccine against measles finally paid off and the vaccine was licensed for use in the U.S. and globally.

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6 Reasons to Care about Measles

By Jenni Lee on September 10, 2013

Growing up, my parents worried that I would tumble and break my arm or suffocate when I fell asleep in my mashed potatoes (true story); they never had to worry that I would contract measles because we had easy access to vaccines.

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UN front and center as U.S. considers new solutions in Syria

By Peter Yeo on September 10, 2013

There’s been a lot happening in the debate over the response to Syria’s horrific chemical weapons attack, and before President Obama addresses the nation in primetime tonight, I wanted to make sure you knew the latest

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Honoring a True Champion for Women’s Health and Rights

By Seema Jalan on September 9, 2013

Women in the U.S. and around the world lost an unwavering champion back in June. Today, the United Nations Foundation and Planned Parenthood Federation of America are honoring the life and legacy of the late Senator Frank Lautenberg with the third annual International Family Planning Hero Award.

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Inspired by the Past, Motivated by the Future

By Chris Whatley on September 6, 2013

When Eleanor Roosevelt walked across United Nations Plaza and made a surprise visit to the offices of the American Association for the United Nations in 1953, she did so for a reason. As a principal architect of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, she knew U.S. grassroots support would be key to the success of the UN.

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By Guest Blogger on September 5, 2013

This International Day of Charity, please lace up and join us. You don’t have to run far or fast. You don’t even have to ask your friends for money. Just carry a cause in your heart for at least a mile and see where the road takes you. As we like to say at Charity Miles, #EveryMileMatters!

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Ask the Experts: How to Make Progress on the Health MDGs

By Jenni Lee on September 4, 2013

With less than 900 days to go until the target date to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, the world’s “to-do list” to fight extreme poverty, it’s time for all of us to step up our efforts – especially when it comes to the health MDGs (MDGs 4, 5, and 6).

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Ask the Experts: How to Make Progress on the Health MDGs

By Jenni Lee on September 4, 2013

With less than 900 days to go until the target date to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, the world’s “to-do list” to fight extreme poverty, it’s time for all of us to step up our efforts – especially when it comes to the health MDGs (MDGs 4, 5, and 6).

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Get a Shot. Give a Shot.

By Kathy Calvin on September 3, 2013

I woke up this morning eager to get my flu shot. Why? Thanks to a new partnership between Walgreens and the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign, getting my flu shot means a lifesaving vaccine will be given to a child who needs it.

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