Calling all global moms

By Amy DiElsi on May 6, 2013

On May 8, a unique one-day event is taking place: the Mom+Social conference. Mom+Social is the crowning event of the Global Mom Relay, a 60-day online conversation that has connected moms and experts around the world. Relay participants have shared personal experiences, stories about motherhood, and global causes they care about…

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UNESCO’s fight to promote a truly American value globally: Freedom of speech

By Peter Yeo on May 3, 2013

Every year on this day, May 3, the international community comes together for World Press Freedom Day. For those of us here in the United States, it’s a day to not only celebrate our constitutionally-protected freedom of speech, but more importantly, to stand up and demand it for all…

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A new shot at life for Suleiman – and millions of other children worldwide

By Peter Yeo on May 1, 2013

The kids were lined up three rows deep in 115-degree heat when I arrived yesterday in Bandouki, an isolated village in northern Cameroon. But their mothers, and older sisters in some cases, knew that vaccination day was worth the wait…

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Just Two Drops

By Peter Yeo on April 30, 2013

Just two drops. That’s all the vaccine it takes to save a child from polio – and lifelong debilitation…

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Forecast: Storms with a Chance of Hope

By Patrick Madden on April 29, 2013

It’s almost cliché to say extreme weather is becoming the norm, but the sad fact is the dangerous extremes are due in part to climate change. The storyline hasn’t changed, but it keeps getting worse: pollution has dramatically affected the earth’s atmosphere, the polar ice caps are melting, ocean levels are rising, ocean temperatures are shifting, and weather patterns have become more dramatic.

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We can and must finish the fight against polio

By Kathy Calvin on April 25, 2013

I’ve spent the past two days in Abu Dhabi for the Global Vaccine Summit, a gathering of leaders to highlight the importance of life-saving vaccines to the health of children. Hosted by His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi; United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; and Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the summit brought together people from across sectors and around the world…

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A Critical Moment in the Fight Against Malaria

By Chris Helfrich on April 25, 2013

This World Malaria Day, we need your help more than ever…

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Let’s get this party started

By Devi R. Thomas on April 24, 2013

Shot@Life officially launched one year ago during World Immunization Week! This year, bloggers from across the country are joining in the celebration by sharing stories of Shot@Life Champions and the work they are doing to help children around the world get a shot at a healthy life…

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Twenty million reasons to keep up momentum on global immunizations

By Peter Yeo on April 24, 2013

In the past two decades, immunization efforts have averted an estimated 20 million deaths globally. Yet, for all the progress that has been made–thanks largely to a sustained investment from the United States, the United Nations, other governments, and private partnerships–a great need remains…

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Be part of something big

By Devi R. Thomas on April 24, 2013

Today, humanitarians and health experts are gathering in Abu Dhabi for the first-ever Global Vaccines Summit. We already know that vaccines work, now let’s help make sure every child has a healthy shot at life by telling world leaders that increasing access to global vaccines is important to us.

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