Watch the Super Bowl and Help Fight AIDS

By Rick Parnell on February 2, 2014

Today most Americans will take part in a big annual tradition, gathering with friends and family to watch the Super Bowl – and a bunch of new commercials. This year, one commercial will do more than get people talking; it will get them taking action to help fight AIDS.

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Face the Facts: State of the World’s Children

By Negin Janati on January 31, 2014

Every year, UNICEF gathers global and national statistics for its State of the World’s Children report — tracking things like access to clean water, education, and vaccines — to improve children’s lives worldwide.

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What’s in a Good Education?

By Jenni Lee on January 30, 2014

Young or old, male or female, Asia, the Americas, or Africa, all of these groups rank a good education as a top priority in the UN’s MY World survey (which asks people to share what issues are important to them in the future global development agenda).

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The State of the Union is…

By Peter Yeo on January 29, 2014

If you tuned into last night’s State of the Union, then you already know: U.S. foreign policy will depend on international collaboration in the year ahead.

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Accelerating Economic Progress for Women

By Katherine Brandon on January 28, 2014

Last week, leaders from around the world gathered for the World Economic Forum in Davos to discuss the state of the global economy and outline priorities moving forward. To talk about progress for our global economy, we have to talk about progress for women, 50% of the population.

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Stand Up for Those Who Stand the Line

By Chris Whatley on January 27, 2014

Last year, the UN showed its ability to respond nimbly to unfolding crises around the globe, from the humanitarian response to Typhoon Hainan to the critical role that peacekeepers played — are playing — in containing and even reversing conflicts in some of the toughest corners of the world.

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5 Days of Facts: Progress on Global Health

By Kate Dodson on January 26, 2014

In an era when we can land a rover on Mars and use our phones to access a world of information, millions of people still die of preventable diseases. But there’s also good news: We’re making significant progress in saving lives.

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5 Days of Facts: Energy & Climate

By Sahar Wali on January 24, 2014

Last fall, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a comprehensive and authoritative report on the science of climate change. The key takeaway: Scientists are more certain than ever that climate change is real and is caused by human activities – mostly the use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas.

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5 Days of Facts: Empowering Girls and Women

By Jenni Lee on January 23, 2014

When girls and women are safe, healthy, educated, and empowered, they can generate a positive ripple effect – helping to lift their families out of poverty, improving global health, and growing economies. Simply put: Supporting the rights of girls and women is a matter of justice; it’s also smart policy.

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5 Days of Facts

By Kathy Calvin on January 22, 2014

People often read the news and feel hopeless – but there are so many reasons to feel hopeful. Yes, the world faces big challenges. But no, they’re not unsolvable. When we mobilize, tangible, positive change can happen – and it is happening.

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