Responding to the UN’s Syria Appeal: The American Thing to Do

By Peter Yeo on December 18, 2013

This time of year, we are especially mindful of the importance of giving. But for Americans, this value has a much longer shelf life than just one season. It?s a good thing: Because, for more than 9 million Syrians uprooted by war, livelihoods may well depend on our help.

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Girls demand education in Malawi

By Eric Porterfield on December 17, 2013

As we arrived at a Mangochi district secondary school, after driving for what seemed like hours down a dusty, bumpy red clay road in one of the most rural and beautiful parts of eastern Malawi, a group of about 40 girls greeted us enthusiastically and repeatedly sang ?well-a-come, well-a-come, you are most well-a-come.?

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Top 10 Reasons to Gift a Net This Season

By Chris Helfrich on December 16, 2013

In 2012, the World Health Organization estimates that there were more than 200 million cases of malaria. But there is also good news: We have effective tools to fight malaria. Insecticide-treated bed nets are a simple, inexpensive solution to protect families from this deadly disease.

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Top 10 Facebook posts of 2013

By Heather Faison on December 13, 2013

This year has been an exciting time for our team. As we look back on 2013, we?re counting down the top 10 Facebook posts that our supporters talked about and shared the most.

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#SmartPower: Honoring American leaders committed to making the world a better place

By Peter Yeo on December 13, 2013

From Vice President Biden saying he?ll never forget a visit to a UN refugee camp in Chad, to announcing that the U.S. will be a leader in the UN’s post-2015 development process, it was clear that this administration is committed to working hand-in-hand with the UN to tackle the world?s most pressing issues ? including the Syria crisis, Iran?s nuclear agenda, and typhoon recover in the Philippines.

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3 Themes from Social Good Week Paris

By Aaron Sherinian on December 12, 2013

I am writing this post following the inaugural session in Paris of Social Good Week 2013. The auditorium at the Gaite Lyrique in downtown Paris was filled to capacity with people who define themselves as leaders and innovators in the French Social Good movement.

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What’s Happening at the 2013 mHealth Summit

By Chelsea Hedquist on December 10, 2013

The fifth annual mHealth Summit kicks off this week at the National Harbor in Maryland. This four-day conference will convene more than 5,000 participants from all over the world to spark new ideas and dialogue about advancing the use of mobile technology to improve health outcomes.

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20 Years Working for Your Rights

By admin on December 9, 2013

As we mark the recent passing of Nelson Mandela, a lifelong advocate for equality and democracy, we are even more mindful of the battle for human rights for all individuals.

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Mandela: A Visionary for Peace

By Ted Turner on December 9, 2013

Madiba dedicated his life to freedom and equality. He helped bring peace to his nation, and hope to the entire world. His legacy lives on in the people he has inspired. Because of him our world is better.

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Nelson Mandela Quotes We Love

By Heather Faison on December 6, 2013

The world lost a true champion for peace. Nelson Mandela?s contributions to freedom, equality, and human rights will never be forgotten. We strive to follow his example of service to build a better world.

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