An Insider’s Look into Social Good Summit 2012

By Kaitlin Thurman Barry on August 28, 2012

Since 2010, I have had the privilege of helping organize the Social Good Summit, meeting amazing speakers from all around the world, and working with our incredible partners to make UN Week accessible to everyone.

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Spreading Hope, Stopping Malaria: Snapshots from Tanzania

By Susannah Rosenblatt on August 27, 2012

A United Nations Foundation delegation recently visited communities across Tanzania, from the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro to the shores of Zanzibar, on an observation trip to see how faith communities and governments can work together to stop the spread of malaria.

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Rio+Social: Themes from Behind the Scenes

By Sarah Struble on August 27, 2012

What do you do on the morning of the day you’re going to meet several of your lifelong heroes? Eat breakfast? Brush your teeth twice? Jump up and down in a mix of excitement and nerves? On June 19th, I did all three.

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In Case You Missed It

By Jenni Lee on August 24, 2012

Busy enjoying summer? Looking for a quick read of what’s happening at the United Nations Foundation? We’re here to help. Welcome to this week’s installment of In Case You Missed It, a round-up of news on the UN Foundation and the issues we care about.

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5 Female Leaders I Admire For Empowering Through Philanthropy

By Randi Zuckerberg on August 23, 2012

What I love about this Shot@Life campaign is the fact that anyone with a computer can save a life through leaving a simple comment that spreads the word. So today, I’m writing about a few of the many female leaders who I have admired over the years for their dedication to philanthropy and efforts to empower people who don’t have a voice. Despite their success, each of these women strongly believe that anyone can make a difference – money, age, or social status are not necessary for impactful giving.

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GenUN Movement Begins Now

By Patrick Madden on August 23, 2012

This fall, the U.S. Department of State’s Mission to the United Nations has taken historic action, to reaching out to young people across the U.S. and connecting them to the UN General Assembly. This is the first time the voice of youth will be actively engaged with our official delegation at the UN’s General Assembly in a U.S. Youth Observer position.

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New ABCs for Global Engagement and Social Good

By Aaron Sherinian on August 21, 2012

Afghanistan, Bhutan and Colombia. And that’s just the start of the list…

It’s not every day that you can put something on your calendar that says you have a meeting with someone in Afghanistan, Bhutan and Colombia. But that is what’s happening this year as part of the Social Good Summit.

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Join the Social Good Summit Global Conversation

By Jennifer Diamond on August 21, 2012

From September 22-24, the third annual Social Good Summit will unite global leaders as they share how to use the power of innovative thinking and technology to solve the greatest challenges facing the world today.

This September, we want you to help us make history and join the conversation with leaders and citizens from around the globe.

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In Case You Missed It

By Jenni Lee on August 17, 2012

We’re at the end of another busy and exciting week here at the United Nations Foundation. To get you up to speed on the latest happenings, here is this week’s installment of In Case You Missed It, a round-up of news on the UN Foundation and the issues we care about.

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The Gift of Social Media is in the Interaction

By Elena Sonnino on August 16, 2012

Becoming a blogger was never something I anticipated. It was not a dream of mine. I was not even keenly aware of this social media space or the profound depth of people that are involved with it until a few months before I started. To say that my evolution to blogging as a hobby, a new found passion, and now as my sole career was a surprise would be… an understatement…

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