Stopping Malaria’s Climb on the Slopes of Kilimanjaro

By Susannah Rosenblatt on August 13, 2012

Adventure seekers know the village of Marangu, Tanzania as the gateway to Mt. Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa. However, before you reach the trailhead, veer to the left onto a winding, rutted, dirt road, and you’ll discover a lesser-known corner of Marangu. This is home to Ngaruma Parish, a community of 700 or so Lutheran worshippers, and ground zero in Tanzania’s fight against malaria.

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In Case You Missed It

By Jenni Lee on August 11, 2012

Taking a break from Olympics coverage to plug back into the news? We’ve got just the thing for you. Welcome to In Case You Missed It, a round-up of news on the United Nations Foundation and the issues we care about. Here’s what has been happening this week:

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Tanzanian Lutherans Keep The Faith In The Fight Against Malaria

By Susannah Rosenblatt on August 10, 2012

The fight against malaria touches many people. Health workers, families caring for loved ones and the ill themselves are the first many might imagine. But malaria affects whole communities. As a result, entire communities band together to help prevent this deadly disease.

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Celebrate International Youth Day!

By Imali Bandara on August 9, 2012

Throughout my summer internship at the UN Foundation, I have had the pleasure of being exposed to the many ways in which the Foundation is engaging with and for young people. From our stellar Girl Up Teen Advisors advocating for girls around the world to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves’ commitment to keeping kids healthy and safe from indoor air pollution, the campaigns I work for inspire me every day to try and work toward a better future for people everywhere.

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Join the Movement and Take a Chance at Winning a New iPad

By Imali Bandara on August 8, 2012

It’s summer – it’s hot, the days are longer, but most importantly it means classes have let out for students across the United States. It’s a great time to think about the world around us and the importance of the United Nations.

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#Blogust: The Gift Of The Written (or typed) Word

By Guest Blogger on August 8, 2012

This post is my contribution to Shot @ Life’s Blogust campaign, a first-of-its kind, 31-day relay for GOOD! 31 Bloggers have come together to raise awareness and funds to help save children’s lives from preventable diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia. Every year, 2.4 million children die from preventable diseases despite the availability of effective vaccines. I visited Guatemala last year and witnessed first hand the importance of these vaccines as I helplessly watched a very ill child struggling with pneumonia. All children deserve these life saving vaccines and all children deserve the chance to live a healthy, productive life.

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You Can Help Achieve the Millennium Development Goals with Your Comments

By Ana Roca Castro on August 6, 2012

As you know, social media engagement, comments, tweets, pins, plus, likes, and all that stuff ONLY make sense if transformed into concrete offline actions that change lives. That’s the reason I immediately said YES to the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life #Blogust.

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Rebecca Soni, Girl Up Champion, Shatters World Record

By Dayna Geldwert on August 3, 2012

Rebecca Soni made our country proud today by shattering the world record (yes, the record that she had only just set the night before!) in the 200-meter breaststroke, clocking in at 2:19.59 to win the gold.

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Enter to Win a Meet and Greet with Victoria Justice

By Dayna Geldwert on August 3, 2012

Want to meet Victoria Justice? Here’s your chance! Enter the Girl Up contest for a chance to hang out with Girl Up’s Victorious Champion on her first national tour!!

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My Entreaty

By Patrick Madden on August 2, 2012

It’s high season for politics. Yes, we are back to balancing campaign trail accusations with attack ads, as well as parsing the meanings of sound bites and polls. It would seem as though not much is actually happening in Washington, but that’s not completely true. Despite the rhetoric, there is some action on Capitol Hill – and it’s not a battle over taxes, it’s about treaties.

For the historians, between 1946 and 1999, the United States completed nearly 16,000 international agreements.

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