


Menu for Action: Food Systems Delivering Better Health

September 21, 2021

Hosted by WHO, this will be a short ‘teaser’ event in line with the UN Food Systems Summit to introduce 6 policy briefs that aim to inform policy makers and their advisors on evidence-based interventions to make food environments healthier.

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3-D Commission Report Launch

September 21, 2021

This event will serve as the official launch of the 3-D Commission’s report on data, social determinants, and better decision-making for health.

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Global People’s Assembly

September 21, 2021

We are in the middle of a global inequality crisis. COVID-19 has made this worse – the vaccine inequality divides us even more. What are your priorities for a just recovery? Join in the Global People’s Assembly from September 21-23, 2021 to make a difference.

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Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge

September 21, 2021

Hosted by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), this is a unique opportunity for companies and foundations to align their investments with new evidence and commitments by donors, governments, and global institutions to end hunger and nourish the future by 2030.

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Uniting Business LIVE

September 20, 2021

The second annual Uniting Business LIVE connects the high-level multi stakeholder dialogues of the Private Sector Forum, the grounded local knowledge sharing in the Global Impact Forum, and partnership and leadership examples of the SDG Business Forum, into one inclusive, impactful and innovative all access global event.

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International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD)

September 20, 2021

Hosted by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, this annual academic conference on sustainable development will convene participants around the theme: Research for Impact: An Inclusive and Sustainable Planet.

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Sustainable Development Impact Summit

September 20, 2021

Hosted by the World Economic Forum, the Summit will gather global leaders from diverse sectors and disciplines to collaborate on how to accelerate a sustainable, resilient pandemic recovery.

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SDG Moment

September 20, 2021

The meeting will convene leaders from over 30 Member States as well as champions for the SDGs from civil society, the private sector and international partners.

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The Green Blue Deal for the Middle East

September 20, 2021

Hosted by EcoPeace Middle East, this event will begin with an overview of the impact of climate change in the region, and in particular within the Jordan Valley.

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American Leadership in Advancing the SDGs

September 20, 2021

This event will spotlight American leadership on the SDGs across sectors and explore how the SDGs are being used to build sustainable, resilient, and inclusive communities within the United States and around the world.

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Road to Addis: Partner2Connect Meeting

September 20, 2021

This event will highlight the outcomes of the ITU Road to Addis Digital Development series.

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The Responsibility to Protect and the Role of Women and Girls in Atrocity Prevention

September 20, 2021

This virtual event presents an important opportunity for UN Member States to recommit to the mutually enforcing agendas of R2P and Women, Peace and Security (WPS), highlighting the importance of a holistic approach to prevention, accountability and reconciliation.

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