Category: World Health Assembly 75

WHA Special Briefing on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and the Kigali Declaration on NTDs

Speakers will be present from: the Minister of Health of Rwanda, WHO Dept. of Control of NTDs, Women in Global Health, DNDi, RBM Partnership To End Malaria, and Uniting To Combat NTDs.

Roundtable Discussion: Pushing the Needle on Women’s Health

This is a roundtable discussion on key issues for addressing and improving maternal, newborn, and child health.

New World Report on Social Determinants of Health Equity: Online Discussion

The Director-General will reflect on progress since the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health Report and make recommendations for future actions in a new World Report.

From Resolution to Action: Investing in the Health and Care Workforce

The 75th World Health Assembly will include the Director-General’s report and a proposed resolution to adopt the Working for Health Action Plan (2022-2030).

From Local to Global: Promoting Vaccine Confidence and Fighting the Infodemic

This event will raise awareness of the need for coordinated global, regional, and national action on bolstering vaccine confidence through effective COVID-19 vaccination programming.

Film Screening and Panel Discussion: Getting Noma Out of Neglect

This film offers a glimpse in noma survivors’ lives and follows their struggles and achievements over the course of a year.

Economic and Social Value of Self-Care: Pathway to UHC

This event will explore the benefits self-care brings to individuals, communities, and health systems.

Improving Health Outcomes for People Living with Dermatological Diseases Worldwide

This event will highlight concrete solutions that are underway to elevate medical dermatology on the global health policy agenda.

A Different Scale: Global Action to Address Obesity

This is a side event on the WHO Acceleration Plan to STOP Obesity in the context of the 75th World Health Assembly.

The Power of Prevention: Lessons Learned from NCDs and COVID-19

WHO and Bloomberg Philanthropies will be co-hosting their annual side event under Michael Bloomberg’s role as the WHO Global Ambassador for Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and Injuries.