Gender-Based Violence Shouldn’t Be Every Day Life

By Katherine Brandon on November 21, 2012

Imagine if your children couldn’t walk to school without fear of life-threatening violence. Imagine if you feared for your safety every night because there were no lights on your street. Imagine if you were brutally attacked for simply trying to feed your family.

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Standing Up for the UN

By Patrick Madden on November 21, 2012

How far would you go to support the work of the United Nations? Each day peacekeepers, aid workers and medical personnel deliver food and aid and put themselves in harm’s way to fulfill the mission of the UN and deliver on its promise to provide a better and safer world. We talk about their important work often, but today let’s talk about you.

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What’s Up With the Weather? 24 Hours of Climate Reality Kicks Off Tonight!

By Negin Janati on November 14, 2012

Overheard on post-Hurricane Sandy news reports, a New Jersey resident noted, “I’ve experienced three ‘once-in-a-hundred-years’ storms in the last 18 months!” Something is up.

Dirty Energy pollution is heating up our climate, and we end up with Dirty Weather. Climate disruption affects us all, and it will take all of us together to solve it.

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Do Your Part On Malala Day

By Imali Bandara on November 10, 2012

Last month, we were devastated at the tragedy that 15 year-old Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai suffered when she was shot near her school.

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One Disease. Two Solutions. Three Ways You Can Help.

By Kate Dodson on November 8, 2012

Pneumonia. You probably know it as a spelling-bee challenge and respiratory illness that can make you very sick. Millions of people in the US are affected each year by pneumonia, but did you know that it is one of the leading killers of children under the age of 5 around the world?

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Think Global this Election Day!

By Jenni Lee on November 6, 2012

This is it – after months of debates, television ads and political rallies – Americans will exercise their democratic right to vote today. From Asia to Europe, the whole world is watching to see who will be elected the next President of the United States. I hope you will join me and millions of Americans today in not only voting, but thinking global when you go to the polls.

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Supporter Spotlight: Interview with Sarah Gale, Girl Up Teen Advisor

By Jenni Lee on November 5, 2012

The United Nations Foundation’s Girl Up campaign empowers American teenage girls to raise awareness and funds for United Nations programs that help some of the world’s hardest-to-reach adolescent girls. In September, Girl Up announced its new class of “Teen Advisors,” a group of girls who will mobilize action in their communities and provide advice to Girl Up over the next year. I recently had the opportunity to speak to Sarah Gale, a Teen Advisor from Boca Raton, Florida.

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Polio, Malaria, Pneumonia…oh my!

By Erin Dunne on October 31, 2012

Five Scary Issues Facing our Planet

Tonight in the United States, as the sun sets and the moon rises, children dressed in scary costumes will take over the dark and spooky streets – ghosts, goblins and witches—oh my! Kids in costumes might not scare you – but these facts and figures about our top five scariest issues facing our planet might! See how you can take action on Halloween to create a better (and less scary) world for children everywhere.

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It only takes one person to make a difference

By Stephanie Geddes on October 30, 2012

Wow Uganda, only 48 hours here so far and I’m beyond inspired and humbled by your generous spirit. Today was an important lesson in the success of implementing simple solutions to fix problems on the ground. 90% of Ugandans attend a church or religious ceremony once a week with their families. So how do you get access to children and families? Go to where the people are!

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Research to Improve Women’s Economic Potential

By Isobel Coleman on October 26, 2012

The benefits of improving women’s economic opportunities are clear: when women control income, they invest it in their families, particularly in the health and education of their children, helping to break cycles of poverty.

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