Coming Together for Haiti

By Sarah Wade on January 14, 2013

On January 12, 2010, a massive earthquake struck Haiti, killing more than 300,000 people and leaving more than one million homeless. With support from millions of individuals around the world, a host of institutions and organizations — the UN and the UN Foundation among them — reached out to help the Haitian government with the difficult process of recovering and rebuilding.

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Q&A: How India Stopped Polio

By Eric Porterfield on January 11, 2013

Every year from about 2006 to 2009 India was faced with over 500 polio cases. But, in 2009, some new initiatives were introduced that looked at narrowing in on population segments that were being missed.

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Beyond Mountains, Haitians See a Brighter Future

By Heraldo Muñoz on January 11, 2013

“Beyond the mountains, more mountains,” a well-worn Haitian proverb goes, in a nod to the outsized challenges this half-island in the Caribbean has faced for as long as anyone can remember. Topping that list is the 2010 earthquake that killed more than 200,000 people, displaced 1.5 million, and racked or razed some 300,000 buildings.

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A new wave of philanthropy

By Renee Traynor on December 28, 2012

It’s not every day someone is bold enough to give away one-third of their net worth to help make the world a better place. But when Ted Turner donated $1 billion 15 years ago to help the United Nations tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges, it inspired a new wave of philanthropy.

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2013: A Year to Be Bold

By Kathy Calvin on December 28, 2012

Happy New Year! Thanks to your support, the United Nations Foundation has been helping the United Nations change lives by improving global health, promoting sustainable energy, empowering women and girls, and advocating for a better world for the past 15 years.

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Resolutions to Keep

By Rick Parnell on December 28, 2012

Around this time of year, a lot of people are already struggling to keep some of the resolutions they made just a few days earlier.

But some resolutions are too important to break. Fifteen years ago, Ted Turner made a bold commitment to donate $1 billion to help the United Nations tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges. In the time since, his donation — and the additional support and the resolution of partners like you — have helped change countless lives through the work of the UN Foundation.

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President Joyce Banda: New Focus on Women’s Health and Empowerment in Malawi

By Eric Porterfield on December 28, 2012

The Center for Strategic and International Studies recently created a video featuring Malawi’s first female president, Joyce Banda, talking about the importance of women’s health and empowerment.

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New Poll: Americans Want the U.S. to Play an Active Role in the United Nations

By Peter Yeo on December 28, 2012

Very soon, President Obama will be joined by new Cabinet members, including a new Secretary of State. A new session of Congress also includes new faces, with more than 90 new members.

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Malala, a global icon for girls’ education

By Imali Bandara on December 19, 2012

Malala Yousafzai made it to TIME Magazine’s shortlist for Person of the Year, ultimately coming in today as the runner-up.

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MAMA Bangladesh Launches Nationally to Reach 2 Million Moms by 2015!

By Mandy Sugrue on December 18, 2012

Today the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) is excited to announce the national launch of “Aponjon”, a mobile health service that delivers stage-based, vital health information to new and expectant mothers via their mobile phones in Bangladesh.

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