Blog: Human Rights

UN Stands Up for Human Rights at the Olympics

By Susan Myers on February 6, 2014

Athletes from 88 countries have gathered in Sochi to compete. As a long-time runner, triathlete, and bike racer, I appreciate the spirit of competitiveness these individuals bring with them. But the Olympics are about more than competition. They’re about building understanding between people of different cultures and countries – understanding that must be based on respect for human rights.

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Honoring Human rights

By Patrick Madden on December 10, 2012

If 2011 showed the desire and determination of citizens to have basic human rights in their societies, then 2012 demonstrated that there is no easy path toward obtaining these rights. Last year brought us the energy of the Arab Spring, with citizens in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Libya all pushing their governments to open up and make human rights and self-determination a priority. This year, with renewed tension in Egypt and a continuing humanitarian and political crisis in Syria, we’ve seen that the road to a society that prioritizes human rights can be long and hard.

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The Time Has Come for LGBT Rights

By Maureen McNally on May 9, 2012

With the headlines announcing Obama’s support for same-sex marriage, it has reminded us that, as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon declared, “the time has come” to make lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights a top priority with the United Nations.

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