Data and Technology

Advances in data and technology offer enormous opportunities to improve people’s lives, yet the dizzying pace and scale of change pose challenges and risks that must be addressed.

The UN Foundation works with the UN and a diverse community of partners to increase and improve data and the impact of technology on sustainable development, and promote cooperation in the digital age.


Learn about the UN Foundation’s work on technology and innovation.

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Data for sustainable development

Discover how we leverage the power of data to change minds, policies, and lives for the better.


Technology for Development

Read nine principles for utilizing digital technology to support development.

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The UN Foundation hosts several partnerships and platforms that convene UN agencies, governments, civil society, academics, and the private sector to support the collection and use of data and technology for sustainable development. See some of what we’re up to:

  • The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data is a global network using data to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals—improving lives, fighting inequality, and promoting environmental sustainability.
  • DIAL‘s vision is of a world where services can safely reach everyone, everywhere using the power of digital technology and data. Our mission is to overcome the systemic barriers preventing digital solutions from going to scale.
  • Data2X is a collaborative technical and advocacy platform dedicated to improving the quality, availability, and use of gender data to make a practical difference in the lives of women and girls worldwide.

Contact Us

Jennifer O'Neill Oldfield

Senior Director of External Relations

Siane Monreal

Associate Director, Communications, DIAL

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