The nonpartisan Climate in Foreign Policy Project (CFPP) is designed to bridge the gap that has long existed between the climate expert community and the broader community of foreign policy/national security professionals. The CFPP is designed to help the foreign policy community—those who work to resolve global crises and promote peace and security, in the U.S. and around the world—fully understand the many threats that climate change presents, as well as help them appropriately integrate climate change scenarios into their thinking, planning, and decision-making.


The CFPP aims to better inform and expand the foreign policy conversation wherever it is taking place. We partner directly with once and future diplomats, foreign policy thought leaders, members of the media, and other experts to help connect climate-related challenges to their day-to-day work. We work with scientists and intelligence experts to prepare in-person briefings, memos, and other materials that distill complicated information in a concise and useful manner. We also work with organizations around the world to better integrate climate change into programming and discussions at high-level foreign policy events and conferences.