From the CEO of Starbucks to the Prime Minister of Barbados, the Global Climate Action Summit saw leaders from all sectors stepping up the fight against climate change.

More than 4,000 citizens, businesses, activists, and officials convened in San Francisco to learn how we can tackle climate change together — before it’s too late. It comes at a crucial time: We’re now at the halfway point between the adoption of the 2015 Paris Agreement — the first international accord to reduce greenhouse gas emissions — and the year 2020, which scientists say is the deadline for preventing a catastrophic rise in global temperature. The summit underscores the complicated relationship between highlighting progress while pushing key industries and leaders to do the work necessary to save our planet.

In total, the event ushered in more than 500 announcements and billions of dollars in new commitments for climate action. Here are seven of the key actions and solutions we heard from cities, communities and individuals.

Read the full recap.