Sandra Jordan

Senior Director, Global Advocacy, Rights and Youth for FP2020

Sandra Jordan serves as Senior Director, Global Advocacy, Rights and Youth for Family Planning 2020. In this position, she spearheads FP2020’s engagement with these critical sectors, and plays a leadership role in executing FP2020’s strategy for 2016-2020. Sandra joined FP2020 from USAID, where she had been working since September 2000 as the Senior Technical Advisor for Communications and Outreach in USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health.  While at USAID, Sandra developed strategies for communicating the importance of family planning and reproductive health in development assistance, and her work in external relations brought enduring partnerships and liaisons with key stakeholder audiences.

Sandra was deeply involved in the 2012 London Summit and the creation of Family Planning 2020 – working with DFID to form the Rights and Empowerment Working Group, and helping to define and lead USAID’s role in the renewed initiative that focused on family planning. Sandra also served as the Country Coordinator for Guinea and Sierra Leone, and  led USAID’s special initiative on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting for 12 years. Sandra was a part of the US Government team working on the Sustainable Development Indicators, focusing on indicators 3 and 5, and for several years she has supported the USG delegation negotiations on the Commission on Population and Development.