From Justice for the Few, to Justice for All

Building on its support for Our Common Agenda, the Secretary-General’s vision for the future of global cooperation, the UN Foundation continues to explore new models for multilateralism as part of its mission to catalyze strategic innovations, collaborations, and coalitions to fill critical gaps in collective action.

Ahead of the second SDG Summit, “From Justice for the Few, to Justice for All: A Model for High-Ambition Action to Deliver the SDGs” explores the movement for people-centered justice.

People-centered justice is a critical component to delivering the Sustainable Development Goals. In this paper, UN Foundation experts and co-authors explore ways to accelerate our implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

About the Authors

Kelechi Achinonu is a Nigerian lawyer, UN Foundation Next Generation Fellow for Justice, Regional Head of HiiL’s Justice Accelerator West Africa, and a Young Justice Leader at the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies. She is also the founder of a media tech platform, Techlawyered.

Akingbolahan Adeniran is a former state attorney-general and national rule of law advisor in Nigeria. He previously worked in several capacities with the UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals and International Criminal Court. As an independent rule of law consultant, he is part of the Justice Action Coalition Task Team that advises on the Coalition’s operationalization.

Maaike de Langen works for people-centered justice, hopeful multilateralism, and everything ombuds. She co-drafted the Justice for All report, directed the Pathfinders for Justice Program, and now leads the Justice Action Coalition Task Team. She is Senior Fellow at NYU-CIC and worked for the Dutch National Ombudsman, UNDP, and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

David Steven is a Senior Fellow at the UN Foundation where he works on the future of multilateralism. He co-founded the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, was founding director of the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, and was senior adviser to and co-author of the UN/World Bank flagship report on violence prevention, Pathways for Peace.