The Summit of the Future will take place on September 22 and 23, 2024 — ahead of UN General Assembly High-Level Week. The Summit seeks to forge new consensus around how our international system can evolve to better meet the needs of current and future generations.
To Summit of the Future will also be preceded by Action Days on September 20 and 21. Events will bring together stakeholders — from young people to civil society to Heads of State — for an engaging two days of discussion and action.
Q: What is the Summit of the Future?
The first-of-its-kind Summit asks leaders to choose: breakdown or breakthrough. Together with advocates and activists of all ages, world leaders will have a chance to hit the reset button on global cooperation when they meet at the Summit of the Future at the UN — where every member state, whether big or small, has a say.
Q: Why is the UN hosting this Summit? And why now?
With our world in crisis, it’s clear: we are not keeping pace with the risks or opportunities of the 21st Century. Global cooperation has never been more urgent, and yet, it’s more elusive than ever. Through the Pact for the Future, the Summit seeks to upgrade our international system — designed decades ago — and improve how we work together to overcome our collective challenges and chart a course toward a better future for all.
Q: What is the Summit supposed to achieve?
At the Summit, UN Member States will adopt the Pact for the Future, which includes a Declaration on Future Generations and a Global Digital Compact as annexes. Together, they will address important issues ranging from peace and security to digital cooperation, to how we finance our development goals and better deliver for generations to come.
Q: How will the Summit help deliver the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?
Building on last year’s SDG Summit, the Summit of the Future will help get us back on track to achieve the Global Goals by unlocking much-needed finance and tackling the global debt crisis, which disproportionately burdens developing economies.
Q: How can I get involved?
The future depends on everyone — decision-makers and everyday citizens alike — getting off the sidelines, paying attention, and speaking up when it matters most. You can learn more about the Summit, look at early drafts of key documents, register, and more on the UN’s Summit of the Future hub.
Everyone can help build a better future, and no action is too small. Join millions of people around the world and ActNow via the UN’s ActNow campaign, which has rallied millions of people around the world to take action for the Sustainable Development Goals — and our common future.
Watch the Summit of the Future live on September 22 and 23. Spread the word and add your voice to the conversation.
Check out these curated resources and stories to stay up to date on the Summit of the Future.