United Nations Foundation Announces Fellows for 2013 Press Fellowship during UN Week

August 8, 2013


Megan Rabbitt

The United Nations Foundation announced today the journalists selected to participate in the 2013 Global Issues Press Fellowship program in New York City. The fellowship will run from September 22-25, during this year’s UN General Assembly and the high-level events including the Social Good Summit taking place in New York City that week. The program will provide the fellows with the latest information on pressing global issues, while offering first-person access to high-level experts and policymakers.

“As the media landscape changes, one thing remains the same: nothing can replace the insight and understanding that takes place when journalists get into the room with key global decision-makers,” said Aaron Sherinian, the UN Foundation’s VP of Public Relations. “This group of press fellows reflects a new generation of reporters—not bound by borders and exploring how the biggest issues of today and how they will impact our world in 2030 and beyond.”

United Nations Foundation 2013 Global Issues Press Fellows:

Maeva Bambuck, Freelance for Le Figaro, CCTV, France 24 (Afghanistan)

Juhie Bhatia, Women’s eNews (U.S.)

Kallol Bhattacherjee, The Week (India)

Tabby Biddle, The Huffington Post  (U.S.)

Nina Corpuz, ABS-CBN (Philippines)

Lauren Bohn, Freelance for CNN, Daily Beast (U.S.)

Jane Dreaper, BBC News (U.K.)

Justin Elliott, ProPublica (U.S.)

Hoda Emam, Thomson Reuters (U.S.)

Larisa Epatko, PBS NewsHour (U.S.)

Mark Goldberg, UN Dispatch (U.S.)

Carrie Halperin, ABC News (U.S.)

Sophia Jones, Freelance for Reuters, IHT, NPR, AFP, The Atlantic (Egypt)

Adriana Gomez Licon, The Associated Press (Mexico)

Samuel Lowenberg, Freelance for New York Times, Economist (U.S.)

Viviana Mazza, Corriere della Sera (Italy)

Marissa Miley, GlobalPost (U.S.)

Sonia Narang, BBC/Public Radio International’s The World (U.S.)

Isaac Ongiri, Daily Nation (Kenya)

Stella Paul, Inter Press Service TV; Freelance for Reuters, Global Press Institute (India)

Katie Robertson, The Sunday Times (Australia)

Bonnie Rochman, Freelance for NBCnews.com, Scientific American (U.S.)

Mary Slosson, GOOD Magazine (U.S.)

Sushma Subramanian, Freelance for Self, Women’s Health, New York Times (U.S.)

Tom Watkins, CNN (U.S.)

With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this fellowship is designed to foster participants’ understanding and facilitate reporting of the issues surrounding international development and global health, and will provide the exclusive opportunity for fellows to participate in on- and off-the-record issue briefings, roundtables, and conversations with experts and high-level officials.


About the United Nations Foundation

The United Nations Foundation, a public charity, was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. The UN Foundation builds and implements public/private partnerships to address the world’s most pressing problems, and works to broaden support for the UN through advocacy and public outreach. Through campaigns and partnerships, the organization connects people, ideas, and resources to help the UN solve global problems. The campaigns reduce child mortality, empower women and girls, create a new energy future, secure peace and human rights, and promote technology innovation to improve health outcomes. These solutions are helping the UN advance the eight global targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). For more information, visit www.unfoundation.org.