The UN Foundation Urges U.S. to Live up to Its Responsibilities as a Global Leader on Climate Action

Washington, D.C.

March 28, 2017


Megan Rabbitt

United Nations Foundation President Kathy Calvin issued the following statement on the sweeping Executive Order signed today by President Trump to roll back regulations on greenhouse gas emissions:

“Today’s Energy Independence Executive Order is a disappointing retreat from the domestic and international leadership needed to transition to the clean energy economy of the future and meet the global climate challenge.

“Communities, businesses, cities, and nations everywhere are actively making investment and policy decisions that both promote the bottom line and protect the planet. America should lead, not be left behind, on climate change action.

“The world is making clear and convincing progress on combatting climate change, even as economies grow: A recent report from the International Energy Agency found that global carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector in 2016 were flat for the third year in a row, even as the global economy grew by more than 3%. The trend was most pronounced in the United States, where the economy grew by 1.6% while emissions dropped 3%.

“Cutting emissions doesn’t mean weakening our economy – on the contrary, driving new energy solutions provides the U.S. with exciting opportunities to lead the world in innovation and action while protecting our planet and people. America’s businesses agree: Recently, more than 1,000 companies signed on to a letter urging the U.S. Administration to honor its commitments and work to fulfill the Paris Agreement.

“We hope the Administration moves quickly to recognize that climate action and ongoing commitment to the Paris Agreement are good for health, good for jobs, good for national security, and good for our economy. In short, climate action is good for America.”


About the United Nations Foundation

The United Nations Foundation builds public-private partnerships to address the world’s most pressing problems, and broadens support for the United Nations through advocacy and public outreach. Through innovative campaigns and initiatives, the Foundation connects people, ideas, and resources to help the UN solve global problems. The Foundation was created in 1998 as a U.S. public charity by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner and now is supported by philanthropic, corporate, government, and individual donors. Learn more at: