Statement by UN Foundation Founder and Chairman Ted Turner on Security Council’s Nomination of António Guterres as Next UN Secretary-General

Washington, D.C.

October 6, 2016


Megan Rabbitt

Today the United Nations Security Council nominated António Guterres as the next UN Secretary-General to succeed current UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon starting on January 1, 2017. The UN General Assembly will next need to approve the recommendation. Ted Turner, Founder and Chairman of the United Nations Foundation, released the following statement.

“António Guterres is well-positioned to be a great United Nations Secretary-General – one of the most important jobs in the world. He has the experience we need: He has been the leader of one of the world’s foremost humanitarian agencies, and he would be the first Secretary-General to have also previously served as a head of government. He understands what it takes to lead, and he knows how to get things done. He’s an impatient humanitarian who will be a tireless diplomat for the hopes of people everywhere for a better future.

“Creating the UN Foundation to support the UN was the best investment that I have ever made. I’m proud of my work with the UN, and I am proud to step up now to support the next Secretary-General however I can. We can’t turn away from today’s global problems, and I believe the UN is the place where we can all come together to make change happen.”


About the United Nations Foundation

The United Nations Foundation builds public-private partnerships to address the world’s most pressing problems, and broadens support for the United Nations through advocacy and public outreach. Through innovative campaigns and initiatives, the Foundation connects people, ideas, and resources to help the UN solve global problems. The Foundation was created in 1998 as a U.S. public charity by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner and now is supported by philanthropic, corporate, government, and individual donors. Learn more at: