#GivingTuesday Momentum Builds in the U.S., with Unprecedented Unity from Coast to Coast Leading Up to December 2, 2014
Meetings In Washington, DC Include Announcements From Partners, New Commitments And Tools
Washington, D.C.
October 26, 2014
Megan Rabbitt

During meetings in Washington, DC today, a small but powerful part of more than 10,000 U.S.-based #GivingTuesday partners and supporters joined forces to solidify their commitments for #GivingTuesday. Among the attendees, there was a feeling of national unity over the prospect of what December 2, 2014—this year’s #GivingTuesday—will bring. An unprecedented number of U.S. organizations will be participating with a wide range of creative initiatives to inspire their employees, customers and constituents together with the American public to support a varied and exciting group of causes.
The #GivingTuesday movement, since its launch in 2012, has reflected the generosity of people around the world. A diverse set of dedicated partners and supporters have proven that the future of giving is bright and that when it comes to \anthropy, a day that brings people together paired with the force of social media has the power to transform societies.
A special luncheon, held at the United Nations Foundation, was attended by more than 60 partners and supporters and provided the opportunity for these excited participants to share the initiatives they have planned for #GivingTuesday with a group of peers who are equally enthusiastic about the upcoming day of global philanthropy. Henry Timms, Executive Director of the 92nd Street Y said, “It is so inspiring to hear from leaders across the country, who are working on ambitious campaigns that celebrate our great tradition of giving. From new curricula that teach kids to give, to ambitious volunteering pledges, to major matching gifts, partners across the country are lining up dynamic plans for #GivingTuesday.”
Media Partnership Announced with msnbc
In conjunction with Monday’s meetings in Washington, D.C., msnbc announced that it would serve as a signature media partner for the #GivingTuesday movement. This partnership will help spotlight the innovative ways that people are giving back in their communities — and around the world. “#GivingTuesday is a simple and powerful idea that has the potential to make an enormous impact. We’re thrilled to connect the msnbc community to this dynamic and fast growing movement,” said Phil Griffin, President of MSNBC. As part of the partnership, msnbc will help raise the profile of the #GivingTuesday conversation about ways people everywhere can give back in their communities and nation. “Msnbc’s nationwide audience of passionate, smart and creative people brings a new dimension of both engagement, commitment and diversity to the #GivingTuesday movement,” said Aaron Sherinian, Vice-President of Communications and Public Affairs at the United Nations Foundation.
From Sea to Shining Sea: #GivingTuesday in America
Within the U.S., local causes and municipalities are helping to institutionalize how the movement is reaching their local constituencies. These civic entities include Oklahoma, which has launched GiveTogetherOK.com (#GTOK); the Northern New Jersey #GivingTuesday 2014 Coalition; the Rollins College Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center in the Orlando area; and #GivingTuesdayCFL throughout Central Florida. These cities and states join the ranks of last year’s impressive regional #GivingTuesday movements, including BMoreGivesMore in Baltimore, #GivingTuesdayBucks (Bucks County, Penn.), #GivingTuesdayPHL (Philadelphia). Additional examples of #GivingTuesday partners and their initiatives in the U.S. include:
- Arkansas: The Arkansas Nonprofit Alliance is planning its third annual #GIVINGTUESAY campaign in partnership with several hundred nonprofit organizations throughout Arkansas. Our collective goal is to raise $250,000 to support the important work nonprofits do to make Arkansas the best place to live. Activities include Unselfie Booths on college campuses, state and local press conferences and other fun media events to kick off the holiday giving spirit for which Arkansas is known.
- Boncom: BonCom gives light to the movement as part of the #GivingTuesday Communications Corps, by creating an amazing video in order to help bring the movement to life. Boncom is an award-winning creative agency specializing in strategic marketing campaigns for cause-oriented companies. They create inspiring media experiences that further value-driven initiatives such as the global giving movement, #GivingTuesday. Please see the video here.
- CECP : a coalition of CEOs focused on societal engagement, will work with the world’s largest companies to reach 4.5 million employees across the globe with a message about the importance of #GivingTuesday and share something meaningful to the companies, such as impact made through their community investments or ways for employees to engage with the community through company programs.
- Crowdrise : CrowdRise is partnering with #GivingTuesday “to build something massive and crazy and awesome” on December 2nd. Crowdrise is proud to support the movement by pulling together all of its resources in order to highlight partners and celebrate the generosity of the movement in a creative and innovative way. The rest is a secret but please sign up here ( https://www.crowdrise.com/GivingTuesday2014) to learn more.
- Groupon: In collaboration with Donors Forum, Groupon will co-lead a state-wide day of giving in Illinois. As an international e-commerce platform, operating in 47 countries,Groupon will plan to use their resources and site and email assets to engage customers in the #GivingTuesday movement. Groupon will raise funds and awareness, absorbing the cost of all credit card processing fees so that 100% of donations go to the featured cause. Their goal is to raise $250,000-$500,000. Later this month (October), Groupon is partnering with Feeding America for a Taste of Groupon campaign. Groupon is contributing $50,000 in funds, plus site and email real estate.
- #ILGiveBig : Donors Forum is leading the charge in Illinois with #IlGiveBig. Their ambitious goal is to raise $12 million from 100,000 generous Illinoisians on December 2. They’ll be providing social sector organizations with tools, technical assistance, and support to hone their strategies for the day.
- Microsoft : As a founding partner of #GivingTuesday and over the last two campaigns, Microsoft YouthSpark has raised nearly $1 million for youth-serving nonprofits from around the world. This year Microsoft aims to help even more young people by matching donations made through YouthSpark on GlobalGiving, a micro-giving site that enables donors to support the creation of education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for youth.
- Points of Light: This year, on #GivingTuesday people will have the opportunity to pledge both money and time. Points of Light today introduced a free Facebook app that allows nonprofits to encourage their volunteers, donors and followers by email or social media to pledge to volunteer in the New Year. The app – which can be installed in a few minutes – allows people to pledge a certain number of hours, share their pledges with their friends, and tag friends to volunteer with them.
- United Methodist Church: On #GivingTuesday, December 3, 2013, United Methodists joined together to raise $6.5 million in online giving, demonstrating their strong passion for and commitment to mission and ministry around the world. The General Board of Global Ministries, the mission sending agency of The United Methodist Church, will provide a $1 million matching grant in hopes of raising $8 million on GivingTuesday 2014.
- #MDGivesMore: To celebrate a new tradition of generosity during the holiday season, Maryland is setting a goal to raise $12.2 million on 12.2.14, #GivingTuesday (roughly the equivalent of every Marylander donating $2). The initiative, aptly titled “Maryland Gives More,” is led by the Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations (Maryland Nonprofits), which has brought together a diverse and dedicated group of organizations – including The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore and the Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers – to raise awareness for #GivingTuesday and help reach the fundraising goal.
For more information, tool kits, case studies and more, please visit http://www.givingtuesday.org/tools/
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About #GivingTuesday
#GivingTuesday, December 2, 2014, follows the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, kicking off the holiday giving season with a global day dedicated to charitable giving, combining the power of social media and the generosity of people around the world to bring about real change in their communities. Now in its third year, #GivingTuesday is a worldwide movement that celebrates the power of giving in all its forms. This effort builds on the collective power of a unique blend of partners – charities, families, businesses and individuals – to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. #GivingTuesday inspires people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they celebrate and help create a better world. #GivingTuesday leverages the power of social media to create a global moment that is dedicated to giving around the world. #GivingTuesday was founded by 92nd Street Y and is spearheaded in tandem with the support of the United Nations Foundation.
A team of recognized experts, influencers, and founding partners, originally spearheaded this effort. The founding partners include Blackbaud, CECP, charity: water, GlobalGiving, Groupon, Kiva, Microsoft, Pvblic Foundation, (RED), and Unilever, United Nations Development Programme, and Univision among many others. The movement includes signature media partner msnbc who will help spotlight the innovative ways that people are giving back in their communities and the world.
Website: www.givingtuesday.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday
Twitter: twitter.com/GivingTues