September 20, 2024

UNMute: Launching and Validating Global Recommendations for Inclusive and Participatory Governance

UN Foundation, Permanent Mission of Costa Rica, Permanent Mission of Denmark


New York City
United Nations Headquarters
Room CR5

Date & Time

September 20, 2024
3:00PM EDT - 4:15PM EDT

The United Nations Foundation, together with the Permanent Missions of Denmark and Costa Rica, and several civil society partners, will co-host an Action Day side event titled “UNMute: Launching and Validating Global Recommendations for Inclusive and Participatory Governance”. The event is a continuation of our work on moving forward the UNMute Civil Society Initiative, and aims to introduce a “How to UNMute Manual.” This manual, crafted from insights gained at the Nairobi Conference and global consultations, offers clear, actionable strategies to enhance civil society engagement in UN processes, aiming for a more inclusive, effective, and networked multilateralism. The side event will bring together diverse civil society groups, UN Member States, and international organizations to critically evaluate the preliminary draft of the manual, ensuring it meets civil society needs at various levels.