September 18, 2023

American Leaders Advancing the SDGs: Multigenerational Urgency and Innovation at the Midpoint

UN Foundation


Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice
New York City

Date & Time

September 18, 2023
8:30AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT

This year’s flagship event co-hosted by the UN Foundation and the Center for Sustainable Development at the Brookings Institution on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly will showcase multigenerational U.S. leadership and action on the SDGs. This event is the fifth edition in a series of successful gatherings featuring the diversity of U.S. leadership, innovation, and commitments from communities and sectors across the United States to advance sustainable development, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in particular.

This year is the midpoint year of the Global Goals, and the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has charged that “the SDG Summit in September must be a moment of unity to provide a renewed impetus and accelerated actions for reaching the SDGs.” Taking place just hours before global leaders convene in New York, this event will provide a motivating and inspirational platform for leaders of all ages to share knowledge, build relationships, and accelerate action to advance the SDGs in the United States.

Watch the Event recording