March 13-15, 2022

2022 Leadership Summit: United to Beat Malaria

Nothing But Nets



Nothing But Nets’ annual Summit brings together hundreds of passionate advocates so that they can engage deeper in the fight against malaria and meet with their members of Congress about the importance of continued strong US leadership in the global fight against malaria. The 2022 Leadership Summit: United to Beat Malaria – will be held virtually from March 13-15, 2022. Our live, fully digital programming will feature some of the world’s most influential figures in the fight against malaria. It will also give you the opportunity to grow as a leader in this global effort! Day 1 (March 13) will feature fun, inspiring and interactive content along with high-level speakers. On Day 2, US-based champions will join their state delegation for advocacy trainings in preparation for their Congressional meetings, which will take place the following day as part of our annual Advocacy Day (March 15). Advocacy Day participants will meet virtually with their members of Congress to emphasize the critical importance of continued US investment in vital malaria programs – including The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, & Malaria and the President’s Malaria Initiative. These programs protect millions of people from malaria each year and keep the world on track towards eradication.