Category: UNGA

Provoke Joy! – The Final Story

Join us and explore the importance of putting joy in the centre to leverage change in the educational institutions for food system transformation.

Renewing the Promise for Women, Children and Adolescents

President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa and chair of the Global Leaders Network on Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ health is hosting an event will discuss how to accelerate progress for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health and well-being

Planetizen Assembly 2023: Towards a Planetizen University

To co-construct the future, the youth present at UNGA or online are invited to an inter-generational panel to share how a planetizen university could be co-designed by youth, culminating in the launch of a Concept-U design contest.

Ocean Wise Shoreline Cleanup

Join us for an Ocean Wise Shoreline Cleanup at Toronto’s Woodbine Beach Park! The litter you collect will provide Ocean Wise with essential information for addressing pollution at its source.

Torchbearers for the SDGs: Meaningful Youth Engagement & the 2030 Agenda

Towards the SDG Summit 2023, OSGEY alongside MGCY & ICMYO facilitated a youth-led meaningful youth engagement roadmap that included a series of consultations.

Samantha Power Previews the United Nations General Assembly

Ahead of the United Nations General Assembly, join FP editor in chief Ravi Agrawal for a wide-ranging interview with Samantha Power. The two will discuss solutions for the global food crisis, Russia’s war in Ukraine, how to strengthen democracy, and USAID’s climate strategy.

PROVOKE JOY (SDG 0) – Ultimate Goal of Agenda 2030

PROVOKE JOY invites you to join the discussion that promises to redefine the narrative around progress and infuse it with an element that has long been overlooked – JOY (Sustainable Development Goal 0).

Unlocking SDG 16.9: Harnessing the UN Legal Identity Agenda for Leaving No One Behind

Recognizing the urgency to accelerate efforts, this side-event of the SDG Summit 2023 will provide an opportunity to discuss strategies for accelerated achievement of universal birth and death registration and legal identity for all in six priority countries.

Enhancing Advocacy, Financing & Accountability: Key Messages from Civil Society

Ahead of the the SDG Summit, the Civil Society Dialogue provides a space to share learnings from the first half of the SDG cycle, share views on progress and provide suggestions for ways forward on implementation.

Building Evidence for Policy Action on the Care Economy

A feminist approach that understands care as a right is a necessary foundation to establish better support and equality for care work. Please join us for a high-level discussion for both in-person and virtual attendees on care policy globally, regionally, and nationally.