Category: UNGA


La creciente tendencia a la pérdida de bosques, degradación de los suelos y la extinción de especies suponen una grave amenaza tanto para el planeta como para las personas.

Delivering the SDGs

This high-level event aims to amplify commitments made at the SDG Summit, draw out solutions across SDG16+, and demonstrate how concrete action on peace, justice, equality, and inclusion drives progress across the SDGs, strengthens multilateralism, and consolidates democratic principles.


Debemos ser capaces de #InnovarParaLaAlimentación.

Financing Pandemic Preparedness: The Urgency for Collective Action

The purpose of the event is to mark the Pandemic Fund’s achievements in its first year, while underscoring the need to maintain the momentum and the urgency to scale up pandemic PPR investments in low- and middle-income countries.

Integrating Health Financing to Achieve UHC and NCD SDG Targets

This roundtable event marks the occasion of the 2nd High-Level Meeting (HLM) on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the opening of UNGA 78.

Sexual and Reproductive Health for All: Unlocking Sustainable Country-Led Financing for Family Planning

The GFF and UNFPA are co-hosting a high-level ministerial event on the importance of sustainable financing for sexual and reproductive health services and family planning to promote gender equality, youth empowerment and socioeconomic development.

UN Global Compact Leaders Summit

This year’s UN Global Compact Leaders Summit will convene business leaders, UN officials, Government leaders, SDG stakeholders and civil society professionals from across the globe to comprehensively review the private sector’s contribution to advancing the SDGs.

Liverpool 2030 – From Sustainable To Regenerative Tourism

This is the kick-off event for #GlobalGoalsLiverpool, a week of local to global conversations with Day 1 exploring Destination Liverpool, which connects the regional visitor economy to the SDGs.


Exigimos en el marco de este día una #IgualdadAhora para todas las personas, pero particularmente para las mujeres y los desafíos que éstas enfrentan.

Lecture Series on Sustainability and Mental Health

These lectures cover topics relevant to different fields of interest, seeking to promote a broader understanding of the connections between sustainability and mental health.