2016 will launch the Sustainable Development Goals, a shared global agenda created at the United Nations to reach a world where people and the environment thrive, where no one lives in poverty, and where everyone lives with opportunity.
The first step to reach these global goals is to ensure that the world knows about them. Through Instagram, many people and organizations are telling the story of the global goals, sustainable development issues, and the important work of the global citizens who work tirelessly to build a better world.
While there are too many handles to list, here are 16 great handles to follow on Instagram in 2016 to showcase how the world is coming together to support the global goals.
1. United Nations
2. Helen Clark
3. United Nations Development Program
4. Global Citizen
Children are our future. #GlobalCitizen
A photo posted by Global Citizen (@glblctzn) on
5. The Global Goals
6. United Nations Foundation
Kathy Calvin, President & CEO of the UN Foundation documents the #EarthToParis community in Paris holding up the world’s biggest “Love Letter From Earth To Paris” outside of the Petit Palais during #COP21. Add YOUR voice www.earthtoparis.org Photo by @asherinian #climate #climatechange #climateaction A photo posted by United Nations Foundation (@unfoundation) on
7. ONE Campaign
8. World Bank
9. Gates Foundation
10. Girl Up
11. Shot@Life
12. +SocialGood
Before we can transform an industry for the better, we must learn how to do so. Today in New York City, Travel+SocialGood is facilitating a full day of classes on the nexus of #travel, #innovation and impact. Follow on Twitter: @TravelPlusGood and @plus_socialgood. Learn more: http://goo.gl/iWtg2l #travelplussocialgood #socialgood #NYC A photo posted by Plus_SocialGood (@plus_socialgood) on
13. UN Youth Envoy
14. World Wildlife Fund
We’re here on the National Mall coming together to join Pope Francis in a unified call for climate action. #FollowFrancis #PopeInDC. It’s time to #ActOnClimate! A photo posted by World Wildlife Fund (@world_wildlife) on
15. Oceana
16. Kofi Annan
Are elections giving #democracy a bad name? http://bit.ly/1YmiKKJ A photo posted by Kofi Annan (@kofiannan) on
Header Photography by @instacorps photographer @neriad