
As we look back on 2016, it has been a year of challenges and opportunities to address the world’s most pressing global problems alongside the United Nations and partners. Here is a review of 10 of our top blog posts from the year that highlight key challenges and share solutions on how we can make progress toward a world where no one is left behind.

While these posts cover a range of issues, they all have a common theme: By taking action together, we can create change.

We hope you will read, share, and join our movement to support UN causes.

1. 10 Key Takeaways from the World Humanitarian Summit (Read)

The first-ever World Humanitarian Summit in May brought together governments, businesses, civil society groups, and UN leaders to discuss how the world can improve our collective response to today’s humanitarian crises. This post shares 10 key outcomes from the summit.

2. Common Questions on the Sustainable Development Goals: What is the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development? (Read)

This post focuses on getting a better understanding of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development and why this forum for assessing progress on the global goals matters.

3. The Change We Need to Make to Achieve a Sustainable Future (Read)

UN Foundation President and CEO Kathy Calvin highlights the connections between the global development, humanitarian, climate, and peace and security agendas, and how we can make progress across them all: by keeping people at the center.

4. Paris Climate Agreement 101: No Jargon, Just Facts (Read)

The Paris Agreement on climate change is a milestone agreement to tackle of one of the world’s greatest threats. While international agreements can be filled with jargon, this post explains why it is so important.

5. Women are Needed to Help Solve the Ocean’s Biggest Problems: Ignorance (Read)

As part of our “Her Goals: Our Future” series, Sylvia Earle, the National Geographic Explorer-In-Residence and UNEP Champion of Earth, discusses her career exploring the ocean and the importance of enabling more women to be a part of solutions to protect the ocean.

6. 3 Reasons Why We Can’t Ignore the Talk about Gender Data (Read)

This global discussion on gender data reached new levels this year, as more partners and leaders noted the importance of having more and better data on the lives of girls and women. The Data2X team discusses why we need to pay attention to this conversation.

7. Supporting Refugees: What UNHCR and Partners Built in Uganda (Read)

This blog post highlights the work of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and partners to rapidly create a space for refugees from South Sudan to find shelter, safety, and others services in Uganda.

8. 5 Things to Know about the Next UN Secretary-General (Read)

This post provides facts about the incoming UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who is set to take office in January, succeeding UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

9. What We Heard: 10 Key Quotes from Day One of the Social Good Summit (Read)

At the Social Good Summit in September, digital influencers, entrepreneurs, and world leaders came together to discuss solutions to global challenges such as the refugee crisis, the need for more women in leadership, access to health care, and climate change.

10. Standing Up for LGBT Rights Around the World (Read)

UN Foundation Chief Operating Officer Rick Parnell shares the Foundation’s work with Gap Inc. to raise awareness of and support for the UN’s Free & Equal Campaign, a global public education campaign for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality.

[Photo: Patrick Adams]