Patricia Chacón

Polio Resource Mobilization Officer

Patricia is the Polio Resource Mobilization Officer for the Global Health team at the United Nations Foundation, and she serves as the lead of the Secretariat of the Resource Mobilization Group of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). Prior to joining the Foundation, Patricia was a Public Affairs Manager in Llorente & Cuenca, a leading communications company. She has a wide expertise in diplomacy and multilateralism. She spent seven years in Geneva working on global health, human rights, and humanitarian affairs for several permanent missions and as a consultant at the International Labour Organization. Patricia also has experience working with civil society organizations, as she was Advisor to the Director General at Plan International in Spain and gained field experience in Cambodia with the NGO Pour un Sourire d´Enfant, where she has been a Board Member since 2019. Patricia holds a Degree in Translation and Interpreting from Universidad Pontificia Comillas, a BsC in Politics and International Relations from the London School of Economics, and a Postgraduate degree in Public Affairs Management from Universidad Pontificia Comillas.