Lori Sloate

Lori Sloate is the former Senior Director for Global Health at the United Nations Foundation. Prior to her work at the Foundation, Lori was the Deputy Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance for four years. She also worked with the World Health Organization for nearly 10 years, working with ministries and partners and advocating for global campaigns around various health issues. She has worked with other UN agencies, such as UNESCAP in Bangkok and UNOPS in Vietnam, promoting the work of pro-poor, public-private partnerships and capacity-building initiatives. Earlier in her career, Lori worked in Mozambique with an NGO on a health and sanitation program through a social mobilization effort with rural communities. Lori has a Master’s Degree in intercultural and international management from the School for International Training in the United States and has studied economics and development at the University of Nice, France.