Danielle Countryman

Danielle Countryman

Senior Associate

Danielle is the Senior Associate of Polio Resource Mobilization for the Global Health team at the United Nations Foundation, and she co-leads the Secretariat of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s Resource Mobilization Group. Her interests and prior experiences relate to vaccine equity, nutrition and food systems, and reproductive health. She has a diverse background that includes research assistance at the Center on Commercial Determinants of Health, developing nutrition education resources for the US Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program’s Spanish-speaking audiences, generating advocacy for community health workers in eastern Africa at Living Goods, and supporting vaccine acceptance and demand research in low- and middle-income countries at Sabin Vaccine Institute. Danielle has interned with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and contributed to comparative analyses of health care systems in Cuba, South Africa, the Dominican Republic, and the United Arab Emirates. Danielle holds BAs in Global Health Studies, International Affairs, and Anthropology from Mercer University, and an MPH in Global Health Policy from George Washington University.