On the opening of the second week of UN-led negotiations to combat climate change

Statement By Timothy E. Wirth, President, United Nations Foundation

Cancún, Mexico

December 6, 2010


Megan Rabbitt

“As the climate negotiations in Cancún begin their second week, there is some reason for optimism. The U.S. and China have made constructive statements on emissions verification, and proposals to reduce and prevent deforestation have accumulated real momentum.

“The deft leadership of the Mexican government has restored a great measure of trust and transparency to the deliberations, without which they cannot succeed.

“Crucial progress has been achieved on agriculture — a sector that must build resilience to climate change to feed a growing population and that can also capture carbon in the soil. Farms and forests are capable of providing substantial climate benefits if they are managed properly.

“Financial pledges made in the Copenhagen Accord for the countries that are most vulnerable to, and least responsible for, climate change increasingly are being fulfilled.

“There will not be a comprehensive climate agreement reached this year, or perhaps for some years to come. However, much progress can be made in these UN negotiations on the practical steps that nations must take to reduce climate risk — steps that can become the building blocks of a larger agreement.”


About the United Nations Foundation
The United Nations Foundation, a public charity, was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. The UN Foundation builds and implements public/private partnerships to address the world’s most pressing problems, and works to broaden support for the UN through advocacy and public outreach. Through campaigns and partnerships, the organization connects people, ideas, and resources to help the UN solve global problems. The campaigns reduce child mortality, empower women and girls, create a new energy future, secure peace and human rights, and promote technology innovation to improve health outcomes. These solutions are helping the UN advance the eight global targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). For more information, visit www.unfoundation.org.